The Armenian Weekly – April 2016 Hairenik USA 2016


5 -Contributors
7 -Editor’s Desk

8 -China as Refuge for Armenian Genocide Survivors —By Khatchig Mouradian
13 -Imperial Russia’s Response to the Armenian Genocide and the Refugee Crisis on the Caucasus Battlefront of World War I —By Asya Darbinyan
19 -A Glimpse into the Life of the Armenian DPs in Europe —By Knarik O. Meneshian
25 -Rescuing Armenian Women and Children After the Genocide: The Story of Ruben Heryan —By Anna Aleksanyan
30 -‘Memories of a Turkish Statesman—1913–19’: A Reflection on Cemal Pasha’s Memoirs —By Varak Ketsemanian

35 -The Armenian Genocide in the American Humanitarian Imagination: A Review of “Bread from Stones: The Middle East and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism’ —By Elyse Semerdjian

37 -Artsakh Is Our Nation’s 21st Century Sardarabad —By Michael G. Mensoian
40 -Bearing Witness in the Aftermath of the Armenian Genocide—By Armen T. Marsoobian
45 -Dispatch from Istanbul: Nine Years in the Courtrooms: The Murder Cases of Dink, Balikci, and Kucuk —By Sayat Tekir

46 pages Ներբեռնել